Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The month in "review".......or how to be happy doing nothing!!

Hello dear readers.  It's been a little over a month, since I was last here, bending your ear.
Haven't been doing much lately.  In fact, got my oil changed a couple of weeks ago, and the guys were teasing me.  I had put just a little over 2,000 miles on the car, in a little over a year.

August has not been a good month so far.  Lost my last and only dear Uncle, Darb's 10th birthday would have been yesterday and the 29th, is the 4th anniversary of Jim's death. Thank goodness, I have some stuff coming up, to keep me busy and my mind off of me.

Did start the month off right, though.....went to the Decatur(GA) VA hospital and played BINGO with the residents of the nursing home.  We had 10 patients and 9 volunteers....really made for a fun night.  Hoping now, that I'm off on Weds., I can do it every month.

Troy, our Senior Vice Commander has started up the Old School Jazz/Blues Night, again.  It's a good deal at $5.00 a person - with door prizes.  Members of the VFW are free, but all of us donated, to the cause.

This week will be busy.  Taking my friend Lillian to lunch tomorrow.  Poor dear, husband has Alzheimer's/Dementia (can never remember which one he has).  To add to that, a couple of weeks ago, he was in the back yard, fell and broke his hip.  So he has had hip surgery and now in re-hab.  Love this woman to death!  So much fun teasing each other back and forth.  Hope a little break will be good for her.

Not sure if I ever mentioned it or not, but I have twin granddaughters.....also a "great" grandson.  Well, one of them was playing ball and ended up with a broken thumb.  It's hard being so far away from family. 

Hold on.....need a beer.  It's 5 o'clock somewhere.....just not in Georgia.

Even though Saturday is going to be a very, very long early day, can't wait for it to get here.  We are doing our SOS Breakfast at the Post.  That means a 5AM wake up call for me.  Being I work there, I have a key, which means I do one of the most important parts of it.....COFFEE!!!!  We have it down to a science.....everyone has a job.  Kim does the pancakes and hash brown casserole, Cindy does the cheese grits and sausage and me......bacon and eggs.  Of course, whoever isn't busy, puts the biscuits in the oven, cuts up the fruit and sets up the steam table.  Hoping for a good turn-out.  If I remember right, last time we did close to $500.  It was great.  Getting up at 5 and getting greasy from bacon for nobody, is a pain in the ARSE!!!  Kim said she talked to Cindy and there's a chance of 25 soccer players from Clayton State coming.  SIDE BAR:  Jim and I joined a motorcycle group from Atlanta, called Lost Boys (love them to death!!).  Well they do a thing called a Meet and Greet.  When I posted about breakfast, Ken decided to make Saturday, a meet and greet.  What he posted on FB, brought a tear to my eye.  It was so sweet and loving, plus he posted a picture of me and Jim on the Harley.  We serve from 8-11 and I usually end up bringing food to the Mac.  Have to feed my kids!
Wish us luck......We Care can always use the money.

Monday will be another "duty" day.  Donna's "Feed the Hungry".  Always enjoy helping her.  If I didn't have Cos and have to work Tuesday, I wouldn't mind going to Atlanta with them.

Think that's how my August has been and will be till the end.  Not much more until September.  Working Labor Day, VA Hospital the first Weds and Feed the Hungry the 4th Monday.

My one and only "follower", Steve Chisem, posted on his blog about moving "off the grid".  Sometimes, it sounds like a good idea.  Maybe, I'll just pack me and the Cos up and move in with him and Jason.  Just show up one day, so they have no choice but to take me in {grinning}.  Have one or two friends from high school that live in Arizona, too.  I love my daughter and her family, but can't handle Illinois weather - one time when I visited, I left on the 1st of June and it was like 45 degrees.  What's wrong with that picture?

Oh yeah, I treated myself to something new.  I now am cooking on stainless cookware.  Really love it.  Have always used either cast iron (not often, though) or non-stick.  Bought a set of non-stick and even though I was really careful of utensils, the coating started to chip.  UGH!!  Now no problems with that happening. 

Well guys, that's about it from here.  As always, love and sloppy nose kisses from me and the Cos. PEACE!!   


  1. Sheila, I finally read the entire blog... OMG! I've the perfect (possible) property in mind, in fact been looking at it for an hour! 1.09 acres - plenty of room to build a second home! Horse property, base of a mountain... We could down a few beers together daily! HooYahhh! email me! Be well, friend!

  2. Thanks, for the offer!! I'm really too old, to up-root myself. As with you, medical issues keep me kind of grounded.
