Monday, May 23, 2016

Hurry Up GI, I Don't Have all Day!!

I’m sure I have some of you out there, that have been in the military, as I have been.  One of my favorite meals to work, being I was a 94B20 (cook), was breakfast.  I could do omelets, fried, scrambled or all of them, at one time.  I was H-LL on the grill.  My poor little peons would stand in disbelief, as I had 10 or more orders on the grill at one time.
When I left the grill/kitchen and started working in the office, I got my hands on the old recipe cards – DOD got us some newer, prettier ones (our tax dollars at work?).  One of the ones I really wanted was SOS.  Between all the moves, military and civilian, I have lost it.  But no fear my friends and fellow cooks……I have one, that is pretty darn close.  Only another military cook can tell you that I’m wrong……if they only knew the secret I have hidden, deep inside my pea brain.
If any of my readers would like the recipe for SgtB's SOS, let me know.
Peace!!  Happy cooking and hugs and sloppy nose kisses from me and the Cos.

1 comment:

  1. Past time to feed our doggies, but wanted to say hell yes, I'd like your recipe - "downsized," I hope from your military days! Be well friend! Steve
