Friday, May 27, 2016

Sheila's good, bad and the ugly week, in review...

Hey readers.  Been an interesting week, or at least, 5 days.

Monday was good and bad. I re-connected with Steve from another site and he led me here, which led me to meet and talk to you all.
Had to go to the ties my panties in a wad, when I hear people NOT speaking English, when they are in America.  Guess it's from being a proud American and ex-military.  Even when I was in Korea, I tied to learn enough, to half way carry on a conversation, in their language.
Then I made a trip to the drug store......there's a lady, with like 4 kids.  Her card wouldn't work, so she leaves the kids in the store, with the bag, goes out to her car and instead of getting cash or a card that worked, promptly got on her phone and had a seat in her car.  By this time, there were 5 of us, waiting to check out. 
Then to the Irish Pub for Feed the Hungry.  Made up like 200 plates to go to Atlanta.

Tuesday, was pretty uneventful.  Just work, and we weren't very busy.  Did find out, I'm down to 1 day a week.  Not complaining......and no dear readers, I will not starve or become homeless - God willing!!  It's only beer money. 
Then Weds. came. Stopped and picked up the mail on my way to work and SURPRISE - I have jury duty, the end of June.  
Please, whoever reads this, if you ever go into an establishment, and are waited on, tip the server!!  I had a couple, who I see all the time, who sat there for like 2 hours.  Drank 7 or 8 beers, between the 2 of them...about a 17$ bar bill....and didn't tip one red cent.  These are the same 2, that always talk about how good tippers they are. 

Thurs. was my "I need something for me" day.  It was not a spur of the moment decision.  Have been thinking about it since last year and finally went and got it yesterday.  A new laptop!!  It's a HP Envy.  Has a backlit keyboard, touch screen, voice (for Cortana), numeric keyboard and it can be turned into a tablet - a very large one!  And yes, Win10 was pre-loaded.  Like the feel of the keyboard, much better than the old one.  Am giving the old one to a dear friend of mine. 

I love the ATL and GA, but can't deal with these Code Orange "Smog" alerts we have.  Think we were under one, 3 days this week.  Not today, though.  In fact the pollen count is only 10.

When I get a few minutes, will post the recipe for the One-Man-Crepe and the SOS.  I was also thinking about my medium white sauce recipe I posted and some of the other different ways, you could use it.

Please take a moment on Monday, to honor or fallen brothers and sisters.  I will be at the VFW, working...having a cookout, after the ceremony at the cemetery.  Be safe, if you are out and about.

As always, hugs and sloppy nose kisses from me and the Cos.  PEACE and I think it might be 5 o'clock somewhere - CHEERS!!  

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