Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

Dear readers, I hope you all had a safe and fun Memorial Day.

Mine turned tearful, by days end.

Started out with finishing the banana pudding for the cookout at the VFW Post.  Didn't go to the ceremony at the cemetery, as I had to be at work before it was over.

Got to work around 1 and already had 3 customers:  Bobby, a WWII/Korea Vet, Steve a Viet Nam Vet and "Fast" Eddie a WWII/Korea Vet.  Bobby and Steve were there early as they were are cooks/grillers.  Eddie, brought some shrimp and had a couple of Buds.

Then the rest of the folks started coming in around 2, food in hand and the festivities began.  We did a moment of silent prayer, then a few minutes later, the chaplain blessed the food.  I knew I shouldn't had tried to eat and work....food got cold and I got tired.

Guess the crowd started clearing out around 7.  Bobby and Steve were still there with me.  We watched a war movie and chit chatted.  All and all we had a good bar($) for the day and the tips weren't bad.

This is were the "strange" starts......I like watching the Memorial Day Concert from DC.  I like Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna and the music always gives me the "goose bumps".  Last night while I watched it, I didn't get 5 minutes into the show, before I started tearing up.  Why last night?  Memorial Day has always meant something to me.  I have been out of the service for 25 years.  Could it still be I feel guilty for being here, when I lost people I knew.  Why me?  Arlington National Cemetery is a site to see.  The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the dedicated Guard who watches over it, rain or shine.

So dear readers, I will continue to stand at attention when I hear the National Anthem or God Bless America.  I will continue to honor this country and the flag that stands for our freedom. 

I will not make this a political post......just this writers feelings.

Last but not least, don't wait for Memorial Day or Veterans Day to honor our military.  They don't take time between holidays to protect you.  Thank a Vet!!  They do appreciate it, more than you would think.

As always, hugs and sloppy nose kisses from me and the Cos.  PEACE


  1. Every vet is a hero in their own way. Think of all the people you have served in those 25 years..through a meal..ride...or ceremony. if you weren't here who would be here for them.

    1. Thanks, Chris. That was the response I was hoping for.
      This is for Dana, Grandpa Herb and every other Vet.

  2. Thank you. That was the response I was hoping for.
    It says "unknown"...may I ask who you are?

  3. Sheila, you brought a tear to my eye... I've never served, but I appreciate what brave men and women of this country have sacrificed to keep the US safe from those who have attacked this great country! Bless you, for doing your "part" when the need arose! Thank you, for being my new friend! Steve C.

    1. Oh, forgot to add that my friend Denise watches the DC show every year, and told me that she cried thru most of it this year... Be well, friend!
